Roleplay threads #100

Kedves Unatkozó Utazók!

Az első adag kód meg is érkezett, amit a SHINE nevezetű írásomban - a cikkeknél megtalálható - említettem. Minden frissítés azon az oldalon is elérhető lesz, mert mindenki számára elérhetővé akarom tenni őket a jövőben is! A címekre kattintva eljuthattok az oldalra, ahol megtalálhatjátok a kódokat. Ha elcsúszik az oldalsáv ennek a bejegyzésnek a következtében, akkor az azt jelenti, hogy valamelyik kód kihat a modulsávra is - sajnos, ezt nem tudom orvosolni, mert egyáltalán nem értem miért csinálja ezt egy-két kód (lehet egyedül másként működnek). Valamint, ha elcsúszik az oldalsáv, akkor az addig el lesz csúszva, ameddig ez a bejegyzés a főoldalon van - ezen a problémán még dolgozom, leszedni nem szeretném. (Ha elcsúszik és valakinek van valami megoldása írja meg, az oldalsávban megtalálható az e-mail címem.) Akinek lenne valami ötlete, hogy miért nem jók egyes kódok, azok szintén megírhatnák!

1.      derezzed

post here

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.

3.      primadonna girl ;

all i ever wanted


was the world

post goes here! use
to separate paragraphs.

words, notes, etc


and naive still.
the post goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. this is how bold looks.. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. and this is italic. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc

notes: notes go here blah blah blah

5.      habits.
post here
lyric line here
words tag notes

All hell is breaking loose


7.      aint it fun
Aint it fun
living in the real world
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas felis neque, finibus suscipit velit a, egestas sagittis augue. Pellentesque vulputate vitae metus vel tristique. Praesent congue ligula sed hendrerit molestie. Morbi ligula est, vulputate euismod dolor vel, ultricies consectetur dolor. Fusce blandit rutrum elit, sed egestas dolor mattis nec. Maecenas porttitor mattis velit, ut congue tellus tempor at. Suspendisse odio elit, tempor vel lorem sed, porttitor dapibus massa. Vivamus pharetra diam et vehicula maximus. Phasellus tortor sem, ullamcorper ut volutpat et, elementum eu lorem. Ut in libero ex. Phasellus euismod mi risus. Cras facilisis, elit molestie dapibus suscipit, neque justo lacinia turpis, eget gravida augue sapien non nulla. Nullam tempus lacus dui, vitae facilisis risus vehicula ac.
Fusce eros risus, ultricies ut hendrerit non, finibus sit amet dui. Morbi hendrerit justo ligula, efficitur ultrices felis sagittis quis. Quisque varius finibus elit. In vehicula massa vitae maximus aliquet. Integer vel sapien congue, luctus nulla eget, hendrerit elit. Sed tincidunt pellentesque sapien, vestibulum aliquet sem. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque lobortis rhoncus quam sed tempor. Nunc dictum iaculis sodales. Nunc ultricies condimentum volutpat. Donec id dapibus tellus, nec commodo ante. Donec ut gravida lacus. Mauris velit quam, laoreet nec erat a, scelerisque elementum enim. Donec sit amet lobortis ipsum. Phasellus tempor efficitur metus, ac interdum tellus ultrices quis. Mauris laoreet ex id felis semper, vel scelerisque odio pulvinar.

8.      our tale begins…
32nd Edition
The Gunshi Chronicles

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
words//000 + tags//username,username

9.      wonderland
we found wonderland
you and i got lost in it
text goes here!

One Line of Lyrics here
text goes here!
notes | outfit | words | tag

11.  centuries

You turn me inside out
post goes here
TAG: Name here WORDS: ###

so we will drink beer all day & our guards will give way
--- and we'll be good.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin a hendrerit lacus. Fusce tristique mi a purus congue, sit amet scelerisque nibh egestas. Suspendisse nec ante rhoncus, placerat enim non, laoreet tortor. Curabitur tristique dui vel tempus lacinia. Maecenas urna sem, luctus convallis sollicitudin et, efficitur convallis ante. Vestibulum ornare dapibus aliquet. Morbi eget tincidunt augue. Cras sollicitudin odio ut nisl tristique vulputate. Fusce malesuada nibh eget hendrerit tempor. Proin nec nisi eget orci porta porta quis in elit. Nunc urna odio, molestie vitae pellentesque vitae, lobortis eu dui. Vivamus varius mauris a felis malesuada commodo. Donec pulvinar sollicitudin vehicula. Aliquam interdum, odio eu volutpat fermentum, ipsum risus pharetra turpis, vitae maximus nisl libero elementum ligula. Donec augue lorem, dapibus vitae ante id, ornare ultricies nisl. Aliquam vulputate sapien turpis, et ultrices purus molestie id. Fusce dictum purus magna, at malesuada tellus malesuada mollis. Duis porttitor ac erat sed fermentum. Fusce iaculis vulputate ultricies. Curabitur sagittis lobortis aliquam. Morbi convallis semper erat a porta. Ut faucibus, orci sed pellentesque rutrum, massa ligula malesuada magna, sit amet commodo purus risus vitae lorem. Nunc eleifend libero elit, vel pretium mi faucibus id. Morbi augue nisl, vestibulum vitae tellus nec, luctus laoreet nisi.
notes //

tags / words /notes
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum id diam a sapien laoreet mattis. Nunc nec lacus id ligula dignissim laoreet. This is bold. Nunc et ante ut arcu mattis tempus nec sit amet lectus. Proin sodales elementum purus, vitae efficitur enim varius quis. Donec a augue tempor metus hendrerit euismod. Proin posuere dolor at ornare pretium. Cras tellus dui, ullamcorper a ipsum quis, semper varius dui. Phasellus id dignissim tellus, ac consectetur nisi. In velit enim, vulputate tristique velit sed, feugiat sagittis mi. Aenean accumsan tristique ligula at vestibulum. Integer non interdum dui, in pharetra libero. Nunc vehicula placerat eros, id scelerisque ante vestibulum quis. Praesent vitae dolor et magna lobortis pellentesque ac ac tortor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse ac magna nec sapien varius interdum vel ultricies nisi. This is italic. Aenean sed libero id dui convallis pharetra. Ut quis dignissim justo. Duis accumsan, sapien a vehicula malesuada, mauris urna rhoncus lorem, vitae porta lacus lorem nec turpis. Nunc eget quam at lacus fringilla vulputate. Nam convallis justo lectus, a efficitur massa tempor in. Proin imperdiet rhoncus hendrerit. In sit amet malesuada urna. Aenean vel faucibus eros, et faucibus lectus. Vivamus ligula ligula, interdum in mollis eget, aliquet id libero. Maecenas commodo arcu a urna aliquam, feugiat bibendum arcu iaculis. Vivamus aliquet ultrices risus, quis lacinia tortor congue eu. Integer fermentum tristique tristique. Donec posuere venenatis justo, et eleifend sapien auctor vitae. Nam ornare ante arcu, eget fringilla lorem volutpat at. Donec nec neque feugiat, tempus arcu id, convallis velit. Vestibulum quis ante fermentum, cursus ligula in, laoreet turpis. Maecenas varius eros vitae lorem blandit ultricies vel eget magna. Fusce nec tortor malesuada, lobortis ligula at, dignissim lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras a tempus elit, non commodo ligula. Praesent quam justo, ultricies eget dolor ac, vehicula vestibulum urna.


this is a non-scrolling template. it will just keep expanding. better for posts less than 800 words. short and sweet peeps. blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here BLAH BLAH BLAH POST GOES HERE blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here this is a non-scrolling template. it will just keep expanding. better for posts less than 800 words. short and sweet peeps. blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here blah blah post goes here

is this the place that i've been dreaming of?
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Si Amet. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Si Amet. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Si Amet. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Si Amet. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Si Amet. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Si Amet. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Si Amet. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Si Amet. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Si Amet. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Si Amet. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Si Amet. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Si Amet. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Si Amet. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Si Amet. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Si Amet. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Si Amet. Lorem Ipsum Dolor Si Amet.
tagged. 000 words. notes.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Si longus, levis. Ita fit beatae vitae domina fortuna, quam Epicurus ait exiguam intervenire sapienti. Quid de Platone aut de Democrito loquar? Tum Piso: Quoniam igitur aliquid omnes, quid Lucius noster? Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Nonne videmus quanta perturbatio rerum omnium consequatur, quanta confusio? An potest cupiditas finiri? Rhetorice igitur, inquam, nos mavis quam dialectice disputare? Videmus igitur ut conquiescere ne infantes quidem possint. Si mala non sunt, iacet omnis ratio Peripateticorum.
Sin aliud quid voles, postea. Sed plane dicit quod intellegit. Nulla erit controversia. Scientiam pollicentur, quam non erat mirum sapientiae cupido patria esse cariorem. Simus igitur contenti his. Quis est, qui non oderit libidinosam, protervam adolescentiam? Hoc enim constituto in philosophia constituta sunt omnia. Hoc enim constituto in philosophia constituta sunt omnia.
Poterat autem inpune; Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis. Sed plane dicit quod intellegit.
Quicquid enim a sapientia proficiscitur, id continuo debet expletum esse omnibus suis partibus; Omnes enim iucundum motum, quo sensus hilaretur. Dicimus aliquem hilare vivere; Quid de Platone aut de Democrito loquar? Quod autem magnum dolorem brevem, longinquum levem esse dicitis, id non intellego quale sit. Nescio quo modo praetervolavit oratio. Perge porro;
Ut proverbia non nulla veriora sint quam vestra dogmata. Quis Aristidem non mortuum diligit?

he confessed his body was
your post goes here
[URL=] © LOUIS! [/URL]

i can't help but pull the earth
around me to make my bed


### words for tag
Salvia blog lomo, organic flexitarian Truffaut master cleanse tote bag bicycle rights mlkshk 3 wolf moon. Pour-over Cosby sweater ethical, Austin scenester flannel Tonx vegan trust fund Pitchfork cray tofu readymade McSweeney's. Organic hashtag tattooed, PBR fanny pack slow-carb pickled Neutra tousled Banksy. Fixie Thundercats VHS fashion axe semiotics Marfa. Irony cred art party, letterpress Intelligentsia jean shorts crucifix XOXO lomo salvia mixtape mustache. Freegan photo booth direct trade Godard banjo. Fap next level bicycle rights, roof party sustainable lomo Helvetica meh quinoa 90's selfies semiotics.
Wayfarers Vice heirloom Blue Bottle Echo Park lomo, bitters cornhole flannel brunch fanny pack. Artisan aesthetic beard, trust fund PBR disrupt gluten-free selvage single-origin coffee Echo Park pickled wayfarers. Bitters Carles mustache, XOXO biodiesel sartorial bespoke lomo viral artisan sustainable gastropub. IPhone locavore Intelligentsia synth, pickled 8-bit food truck cliche meggings raw denim cardigan paleo. Truffaut bespoke pickled, +1 paleo mixtape church-key jean shorts. Semiotics deep v wayfarers, kale chips 90's scenester tofu. Retro sartorial leggings, American Apparel High Life cardigan actually four loko literally Kickstarter hashtag pork belly cred.
Single-origin coffee direct trade dreamcatcher, butcher trust fund keytar tattooed. McSweeney's Carles Blue Bottle, fashion axe bicycle rights keytar actually street art iPhone butcher vinyl locavore you probably haven't heard of them chia. Schlitz sustainable Odd Future, hella selfies distillery Williamsburg drinking vinegar Wes Anderson actually. Tofu paleo cliche, dreamcatcher meggings fanny pack sustainable semiotics jean shorts heirloom actually bicycle rights freegan VHS mustache. Chia butcher retro, seitan lomo tattooed Cosby sweater flannel Austin tofu YOLO raw denim forage. YOLO messenger bag irony, narwhal farm-to-table pug Tonx photo booth pork belly +1 Portland. Freegan High Life direct trade, messenger bag asymmetrical Kickstarter Vice Tumblr hella.
Slow-carb semiotics scenester swag, stumptown Vice chillwave Brooklyn bicycle rights wolf mlkshk Shoreditch umami cardigan. Williamsburg Odd Future trust fund cray, semiotics organic cardigan ugh dreamcatcher synth mlkshk aesthetic locavore YOLO. Mustache paleo Pinterest typewriter tote bag selvage Marfa banjo, chillwave narwhal artisan scenester freegan Bushwick brunch. Bitters tofu pork belly occupy organic readymade. Banjo hashtag ugh, scenester Kickstarter wayfarers vegan. Occupy Cosby sweater retro distillery, XOXO semiotics crucifix Vice cliche Truffaut craft beer lo-fi. Readymade small batch scenester shabby.

center of attention once again
words • tagged • emilie

21.  hysteria.

i'm breaking out
It's bugging me, grating me And twisting me around Yeah I'm endlessly caving in And turning inside out 'cause I want it now I want it now Give me your heart and your soul And I'm breaking out I'm breaking out Last chance to lose control It's holding me, morphing me And forcing me to strive To be endlessly cold within And dreaming I'm alive 'cause I want it now I want it now Give me your heart and your soul And I'm not breaking down I'm breaking out Last chance to lose control

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam scelerisque sit amet velit semper facilisis. Sed id posuere erat, quis egestas erat. Cras tempus mi quis ultrices sagittis. Sed varius luctus sem quis pulvinar. Donec rutrum scelerisque cursus. Duis nec arcu enim. Etiam aliquam quis lorem et tempus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean cursus sagittis massa id luctus. Donec ultricies tincidunt nulla sit amet ornare. Morbi eget facilisis metus. [b]this is what bold looks like.[/b] [i]this is what italic looks like.[/i]
Ut vitae blandit augue. Ut porta ac ligula at lacinia. Aliquam pretium pharetra libero in hendrerit. Mauris aliquet molestie est vitae malesuada. Mauris adipiscing in sem non mattis. Nam placerat, tortor sodales gravida porttitor, elit dolor rhoncus justo, in gravida metus orci non erat. Mauris suscipit molestie ornare. Nulla viverra magna nec arcu blandit tempor.
Vivamus leo enim, dignissim in augue lacinia, commodo sollicitudin felis. Vestibulum sed tellus at nisl imperdiet gravida a vitae nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque facilisis enim quis est tincidunt vulputate. Aenean diam augue, iaculis eget nulla sit amet, placerat vulputate neque. Suspendisse at felis egestas, ultricies leo sit amet, gravida urna. Sed rutrum porttitor consectetur. Praesent non tellus eget nisl posuere commodo. Vivamus adipiscing odio nulla, quis vehicula arcu sagittis et. Sed bibendum tortor id nulla dapibus, vel volutpat nisl consequat.
Sed accumsan orci et leo interdum iaculis. Nam ut tristique ligula. Aliquam vitae vulputate tortor, ac commodo massa. Nullam tempus dolor sed odio lobortis luctus. Proin a dapibus ligula. Curabitur consequat sem nec nunc feugiat, vitae tristique purus consequat. Sed ac augue porttitor, ultrices leo eget, commodo neque. Mauris nec lacus id mauris venenatis rhoncus vitae vel enim. Duis eget sollicitudin sapien. Sed facilisis nunc lacus, sed convallis magna sodales eget. Nam ac consequat tortor.

some notes go here.

Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet dessert. Macaroon croissant jelly beans cookie cake sesame snaps wafer brownie. Chupa chups jujubes icing macaroon sugar plum ice cream cheesecake. Croissant marshmallow I love sweet toffee danish pudding. Pudding apple pie gingerbread muffin danish oat cake. Powder gummies I love. Tootsie roll jujubes I love bonbon fruitcake pastry chocolate bar. Soufflé tootsie roll fruitcake carrot cake chocolate pie soufflé croissant. Cotton candy cheesecake bonbon.
Danish biscuit I love tart I love candy. Donut chocolate bar topping candy. I love muffin I love lemon drops gummi bears chocolate cake gingerbread. Sweet roll I love I love toffee icing. Candy canes bonbon cupcake chocolate liquorice chupa chups brownie. Biscuit marshmallow jujubes sweet oat cake.

23.  riot

filthy. rich. spoiled. rotten.
tags // ### //
The Riot Club is a 2014 British drama thriller film directed by Lone Scherfig and written by Laura Wade, based on Wade's 2010 play Posh. The film stars Max Irons, Sam Claflin and Douglas Booth. It is set among the Riot Club, a fictional all-male, exclusive dining club at Oxford University. When the play Posh premiered, the Riot Club was often described as a thinly veiled version of the real-life Bullingdon Club, although according to Wade it is entirely fictitious.
Alistair and Miles, both with aristocratic connections, start their first year at Oxford University. Though they are very different (Miles is down to earth and happy to have a girlfriend from a lower background, Lauren, whilst Alistair is a snob with aspirations to follow his uncle, a Tory MP), the common bond is that they both become members of the Riot Club, a long established elite drinking club priding itself on hedonism and the belief that money can buy anything. Alistair takes the club in more of a competitive way and ends up loathing Miles. Having been barred from most establishments in Oxford, they have their annual dinner at the function room in a country pub, where their rowdy behaviour angers other patrons though they reimburse Chris, the landlord. After hiring a prostitute who refuses to perform group oral sex, Alistair takes Miles' phone and texts Lauren without Miles knowing, whom they importune to Miles' horror. Getting progressively more drunk and ingesting drugs, they start to trash the room, and when Chris comes to complain, Alistair savagely assaults him, landing him in hospital. Though shocked, none of the others do anything to stop him except Miles, who rings for an ambulance. The boys are all arrested but believing that the club is more important than the individual, they agree not to give statements and go on to suggest that Miles, as the newest club member, should take the blame for the attack on Chris. Alistair's skin is then found underneath Chris' fingernails, meaning they can arrest and charge him. Miles' now-ex girlfriend refuses to talk to him, and Miles is approached by the new president of the Riot Club where he decides to leave the club.

short title please!
short tag please!
post here! will expand and eventually scroll!

### words for tag, very little notes only

small line of lyrics

post goes here. separate with p for fancy first line
[URL=]♥ maya[/URL]

a little party never killed nobody
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. This is what bold looks like! Fusce viverra, ligula ac tincidunt semper, sapien nisi rhoncus arcu, a lobortis nunc tellus eget nunc. This is what italic looks like! Sed mattis tincidunt neque, dictum suscipit justo. Mauris bibendum risus sit amet rhoncus eleifend. Donec turpis justo, pharetra ac nisl non, ullamcorper tincidunt purus. Sed sit amet purus arcu. Nullam hendrerit ornare velit non eleifend. Etiam gravida nunc non diam euismod lacinia. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. This is what bold looks like! Fusce viverra, ligula ac tincidunt semper, sapien nisi rhoncus arcu, a lobortis nunc tellus eget nunc. This is what italic looks like! Sed mattis tincidunt neque, dictum suscipit justo. Mauris bibendum risus sit amet rhoncus eleifend. Donec turpis justo, pharetra ac nisl non, ullamcorper tincidunt purus. Sed sit amet purus arcu. Nullam hendrerit ornare velit non eleifend. Etiam gravida nunc non diam euismod lacinia. Nam aliquam mauris in massa faucibus blandit. Quisque eu nisi mauris. Curabitur id ultricies ipsum, a faucibus lacus. Cras metus lacus, luctus eu sapien sit amet, imperdiet vestibulum lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce dui massa, semper at ante eget, tincidunt mollis ante. In et eros pretium, semper elit elementum, ultricies ipsum. Suspendisse ac dui in tortor cursus congue. Nullam urna tellus, hendrerit in velit non, commodo gravida sapien. Phasellus enim turpis, convallis id mauris gravida, interdum convallis nisi. Sed pellentesque, purus vitae iaculis porta, lacus lacus euismod dui, at aliquet erat dui sollicitudin tortor. Ut cursus quam sodales nulla aliquet consectetur. Nam tincidunt, sapien in molestie luctus, magna odio iaculis libero, id placerat urna justo sagittis metus. Cras semper, lacus eget viverra gravida, leo ligula blandit nibh, feugiat ultrices est justo eu nulla. Nullam eu urna pharetra, rhoncus dui sit amet, pulvinar neque. Praesent accumsan libero at leo pretium, eget hendrerit mauris semper. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris ornare mi a felis euismod, accumsan consectetur libero fermentum. Donec ac augue sodales, elementum enim eu, ultrices diam. Aliquam eu tempus nisi. Aenean facilisis varius sapien, vel viverra sapien eleifend et. Donec a felis enim. Curabitur in rutrum nulla. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas porta nibh ut quam posuere pellentesque. Donec eget neque sapien. Duis quis lobortis arcu. Nullam ac tortor odio. In ligula ligula, ullamcorper quis iaculis sit amet, rutrum sit amet erat.

27.  ● wolves
△ wolves

hey you! this is where your lovely post goes!!

tag: name
words: ###
notes: short note goes here, guys.
i've got demons to fight
Post here.

& in the endi'd do it all again

post goes here.
Fall to your knees, bring on the rapture Blessed be the boys time can’t capture On film or between the sheets I always fall from your window to the pitch black streets And with the black banners raised As the crooked smiles fade Former heroes who quit too late Who just wanna fill up the trophy case again and in the end i'd do it all again i guess you're my best friend Don’t you know that the kids aren't al-, kids aren’t alright? I’ll be yours When it rains it pours Stay thirsty like before Don’t you know that the kids aren't al-, kids aren’t alright?

If It Makes You Happy
It Can't Be That Bad
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas felis neque, finibus suscipit velit a, egestas sagittis augue. Pellentesque vulputate vitae metus vel tristique. Praesent congue ligula sed hendrerit molestie. Morbi ligula est, vulputate euismod dolor vel, ultricies consectetur dolor. Fusce blandit rutrum elit, sed egestas dolor mattis nec. Maecenas porttitor mattis velit, ut congue tellus tempor at. Suspendisse odio elit, tempor vel lorem sed, porttitor dapibus massa. Vivamus pharetra diam et vehicula maximus. Phasellus tortor sem, ullamcorper ut volutpat et, elementum eu lorem. Ut in libero ex. Phasellus euismod mi risus. Cras facilisis, elit molestie dapibus suscipit, neque justo lacinia turpis, eget gravida augue sapien non nulla. Nullam tempus lacus dui, vitae facilisis risus vehicula ac.
Fusce eros risus, ultricies ut hendrerit non, finibus sit amet dui. Morbi hendrerit justo ligula, efficitur ultrices felis sagittis quis. Quisque varius finibus elit. In vehicula massa vitae maximus aliquet. Integer vel sapien congue, luctus nulla eget, hendrerit elit. Sed tincidunt pellentesque sapien, vestibulum aliquet sem. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque lobortis rhoncus quam sed tempor. Nunc dictum iaculis sodales. Nunc ultricies condimentum volutpat. Donec id dapibus tellus, nec commodo ante. Donec ut gravida lacus. Mauris velit quam, laoreet nec erat a, scelerisque elementum enim. Donec sit amet lobortis ipsum. Phasellus tempor efficitur metus, ac interdum tellus ultrices quis. Mauris laoreet ex id felis semper, vel scelerisque odio pulvinar.

She laughs like God, ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
her mind's like a diamond
tag words outfit notes

and you why you wanna stay oh my god have you listened to me lately?
post here.

34.  firenze.

post here.

i'ts only gonna take a little time
before we start to lose our minds.
post here. make sure to separate with P tags for fancy first letter.
shocked! yeah you i'm a little


post here.

hallelujah up for ransom
cash value for hashtag anthems
Post goes here. Bold looks like this. Italics look like this. Only the first letter of the entire post is big like that, not of each paragraph. To make it not scroll, change the class="scroll" above to "noscroll".
tag here notes here add anything you want

i will wait

i will wait for you

YOUR POST GOES HERE! if you write enough, it will scroll!

don't you wanna live, don't you wanna be
Proin quam nunc, lobortis a bibendum nec, molestie nec libero. Nunc eget facilisis nulla, nec rutrum mi. Integer consectetur facilisis ante sit amet faucibus. Aliquam sollicitudin egestas purus. Aliquam tempus luctus scelerisque. Vivamus nunc erat, fringilla non bibendum at, pulvinar at lectus. Duis commodo purus justo, eget ornare nibh luctus non. Integer egestas enim sed ante facilisis hendrerit. Mauris ut hendrerit felis. Aliquam mattis eleifend semper. Pellentesque in purus sapien. Vivamus in mi non ligula egestas mollis nec nec lacus. Morbi egestas laoreet tortor ac tincidunt. Aenean hendrerit ligula eget placerat facilisis.
Vivamus orci lorem, varius quis turpis non, sodales posuere metus. Morbi euismod dolor non mollis pulvinar. Phasellus vitae nulla vel felis lobortis egestas sed eget arcu. Praesent quam nibh, lobortis at risus nec, fringilla aliquet leo. Praesent pharetra egestas velit id imperdiet. Integer mauris orci, aliquet malesuada finibus non, tempor non orci. Nunc placerat ex ac tortor rhoncus scelerisque. Proin venenatis velit eget accumsan congue. Mauris tempor vel dui eu iaculis. Morbi ultrices sapien risus, vel blandit justo hendrerit in. Nam imperdiet neque sem, sed viverra felis maximus sit amet. Nunc porttitor eget mauris ut elementum. Suspendisse in libero consequat, suscipit nunc nec, ultrices arcu. Sed gravida magna non ligula lobortis pulvinar.
Donec tempus leo eget mauris blandit, consequat sodales tellus cursus. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris eleifend est felis, id euismod augue posuere sed. Nunc metus sapien, varius non vulputate nec, condimentum ac turpis. Sed fermentum eros at justo imperdiet, sit amet ullamcorper nisi maximus. Donec non purus vehicula, facilisis ligula quis, gravida dolor. Quisque sed iaculis nisl. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum tincidunt dolor risus, id ultrices enim pretium in. Praesent euismod dictum odio ac volutpat. Nulla vehicula, erat eu mollis sodales, enim mauris tempor odio, eget accumsan urna massa in urna.

Post goes here.
TAG here WORDS ### NOTES ---

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet jujubes. Candy pudding marzipan jujubes croissant jujubes pudding cheesecake. Souffl� ice cream gingerbread. Muffin cake tart powder fruitcake pastry sweet roll pudding. Tiramisu drag�e chocolate candy canes gingerbread gummies toffee. Marshmallow chocolate sweet roll topping. Caramels tart gummi bears bonbon apple pie cotton candy gummies. Gingerbread candy sugar plum tootsie roll chocolate pudding carrot cake. Muffin cookie sweet roll. Caramels marshmallow cake sugar plum jelly ice cream. Powder halvah chupa chups marshmallow croissant. Cake wafer chocolate cake macaroon. Cake ice cream cotton candy pudding candy canes carrot cake cookie. Jelly chocolate toffee.
Candy fruitcake candy canes. Dessert croissant marzipan bear claw candy. Ice cream toffee danish cheesecake jelly-o marzipan wafer drag�e cookie. Topping biscuit oat cake pudding muffin candy chocolate cake. Muffin toffee jujubes chupa chups tootsie roll donut bonbon topping topping. Carrot cake cookie croissant chocolate bar halvah. Bear claw fruitcake wafer dessert brownie candy danish. Powder tootsie roll cupcake oat cake cake candy canes pastry pastry chocolate cake. Cupcake souffl� macaroon jujubes sugar plum muffin. Powder gingerbread lemon drops tart gummi bears pie croissant. Brownie macaroon sweet marshmallow. Icing croissant tart oat cake. Cake jelly beans pudding pastry halvah pie cheesecake cupcake muffin.
Liquorice caramels lollipop chocolate lollipop. Cake chocolate bar marshmallow bear claw chupa chups ice cream gummies souffl� biscuit. Cotton candy gummi bears gingerbread. Chocolate cake icing apple pie jelly-o drag�e caramels sugar plum halvah pudding. Lollipop chocolate bar lollipop topping. Jujubes toffee jujubes oat cake sugar plum. Macaroon biscuit liquorice pastry chocolate. Dessert chocolate bar jelly-o marshmallow dessert pie sesame snaps sugar plum chupa chups. Jelly-o croissant danish caramels. Topping marshmallow wafer croissant muffin. Ice cream souffl� gummies donut. Pudding candy liquorice drag�e pastry wafer lemon drops.

can't keep this beating heart at bay
oh look someone wrote a reply and there are even "quotes in it! wow!"
leave your lover

i am still living with your ghost
Integer suscipit suscipit tempus. Suspendisse rhoncus lorem velit, id varius nibh laoreet nec. Nunc dapibus tempus aliquet. Nunc eu nisi tincidunt, blandit ex ut, semper felis. Cras vitae lobortis enim. Pellentesque lacus tellus, fringilla ut pretium quis, sodales id turpis. Proin vitae leo ac mi tristique porttitor nec nec velit. Vestibulum rhoncus sem quis semper aliquam. Aliquam vestibulum ultrices nisl, at rutrum ligula varius et. Cras et nisl a risus finibus porttitor et tempor nisi. Vivamus sollicitudin mattis accumsan. Donec nec tincidunt urna, nec vehicula risus. Vestibulum nec sapien eget neque ultrices imperdiet id at ex. Morbi malesuada magna quis urna vulputate convallis.
Maecenas vulputate nisi tellus, in eleifend justo blandit nec. Cras id semper nunc. Aenean sagittis arcu nec pellentesque commodo. Etiam eu tellus quis diam pulvinar suscipit vel sed mauris. Quisque non erat vitae turpis aliquet viverra. Curabitur nec eleifend orci. Integer fermentum orci a iaculis blandit. Mauris porttitor congue lectus vel finibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Praesent ultrices purus elementum eros aliquam iaculis. Sed mollis leo cursus dictum aliquam. Vestibulum facilisis nisi non tortor blandit volutpat. Nulla nec elit pulvinar, convallis dui non, tincidunt leo. Proin consequat lorem in ex finibus, tempor pulvinar quam faucibus. Aliquam ut sapien laoreet, commodo velit id, cursus mi. Quisque vel nunc quis ex sagittis tempus. Donec sollicitudin diam sed pellentesque tristique. Nullam in enim ac dolor ornare commodo et non turpis. Mauris ullamcorper auctor molestie. Phasellus in felis nisl. Proin fermentum tristique tristique. Pellentesque vel dolor ullamcorper, tempor purus in, rhoncus elit. Nunc et dolor vel magna pulvinar tincidunt. Curabitur sodales aliquet elit. Maecenas quis bibendum lorem.

lonely and dreaming of the west coast

tags words etc keep it brief
Duis a blandit est. Suspendisse nisi neque, rutrum nec eros quis, condimentum feugiat velit. Phasellus tempor tortor eget purus consectetur, a pretium augue eleifend. Nunc aliquet ac enim ac laoreet. Integer consequat tincidunt gravida. Vivamus sed dolor ut enim dictum condimentum non in libero. Integer vel massa dui.
Integer eget nisl posuere, ullamcorper turpis at, sagittis ex. Pellentesque ante odio, pellentesque a euismod et, viverra vel nulla. Nunc semper neque nec ipsum volutpat lobortis. Morbi malesuada sit amet risus eu cursus. Morbi eget mi velit. Donec quam libero, fermentum quis magna sed, euismod luctus libero. Vivamus et nisi purus. Mauris at arcu nec purus cursus gravida quis vel tellus. Nunc pulvinar nisi sapien, nec porttitor orci cursus non. "Phasellus vitae ipsum cursus, tincidunt tellus non, pretium felis." Sed purus sem, dignissim eget commodo at, scelerisque aliquam dui. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
Fusce nec risus pulvinar, scelerisque est nec, vulputate velit. Phasellus mauris odio, rhoncus non velit nec, hendrerit lobortis nibh.

so wake me up when it's all over
tagged: ---

write yo sass~
this is bold
this is italics

47.  ● stuck
HEY YOU! this is where your lovely post goes!!

48.  tessellate

one line of lyric
Tag: Jinx | ### words | Outfit | Notes: You can write notes as long as you want! It won't interfere with the coding or the format, so write any note to your heart's content!

Write whatever you want! It'll scroll! Also, if you really want, you can change the colours! The line of lyric and image's border is the same colour, The background of the text is a lighter shade of that colour, and the scrollbar is a darker shade of the first colour.
★ jinx

Are you my family? Can I stay with you a while? Can I stop off in your bed tonight? I could make you smile In the morning I'll make you breakfast In the evening I'll warm the bed And I'll always be happy to kiss you Promise I'll never get sad Till the siren come calling, calling It's driving me evil, evil I was a heart breaker, I loved you The same way I do But I've got so much wickedness and sin My name is Pearl And I'll love you the best way I know how My blond curls slice through your heart And the siren come calling In the night, till the light Help you dress yourself up fancy Bathe you when you get sore I'll be good, I think I could be all You would want and more and more Be proud when you dazzle the wondrous Glitter your eyes for the town Tell every last boy that you're my man Try not to let you down Till the siren come calling, calling It's driving me evil, evil I was a heart breaker, I loved you The same way I do But I've got so much wickedness and sin My name is Pearl And I'll love you the best way I know how My blond curls slice through your heart And the stars are exploding in the night It won't be long until you'll break No, it won't be long until you break It won't be long until you break It won't be long until you break Cause I'm evil, 'cause I'm evil won't scroll, just expands
the siren comes calling...

50.  apocalisse

Who is this buzzing ball of sunshine? The family likes to call her “bug”, but Josephine (affectionately known as “Josie”) captured Donnie’s heart about seventeen years ago in a high school chemistry class. Josie gave him the hardest time in the world, flirting incessantly one day and completely disregarding his existence the next. She was an overachiever, student body president, debate team captain, and first chair violinist in the orchestra, and truth be told, Josie knew she was the shit.

Who is this buzzing ball of sunshine? The family likes to call her “bug”, but Josephine (affectionately known as “Josie”) captured Donnie’s heart about seventeen years ago in a high school chemistry class. Josie gave him the hardest time in the world, flirting incessantly one day and completely disregarding his existence the next. She was an overachiever, student body president, debate team captain, and first chair violinist in the orchestra, and truth be told, Josie knew she was the shit.
coded by ❥kay

You will believe my lies That I'm not like other guys
user posted image
That sparkle in my eyes Is just part of my disguise
Nap all day put toy mouse in food bowl run out of litter box at full speed hide from vacuum cleaner. Chase red laser dot flop over. Curl into a furry donut put toy mouse in food bowl run out of litter box at full speed . Present belly, scratch hand when stroked curl into a furry donut behind the couch, but behind the couch, and intrigued by the shower, yet run in circles chase ball of string. Eat grass, throw it back up stick butt in face.
[color=#34688C]“Intently sniff hand the dog smells bad yet sit in box yet caticus cuteicus so leave dead animals as gifts, and love to play with owner's hair tie.”[/color]
Find empty spot in cupboard and sleep all day always hungry rub face on owner for sleep nap scream at teh bath but the dog smells bad. Peer out window, chatter at birds, lure them to mouth plan steps for world domination. Hide head under blanket so no one can see kick up litter but stretch stretch. Find something else more interesting pooping rainbow while flying in a toasted bread costume in space spread kitty litter all over house. Nap all day eat a plant, kill a hand stand in front of the computer screen, but ears back wide eyed so knock dis off table head butt cant eat out of my own dish.

You need adrenaline You gotta go and get you some
yeah, if you wanna stay beautiful and broken
to get you through this life If you wanna stop the tears that you’ve been choking.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras at aliquam leo. Mauris non lorem pharetra, efficitur enim at, convallis tortor. Integer porttitor augue eu est volutpat, quis tempor urna blandit. Sed eleifend a turpis quis lobortis. Pellentesque nulla purus, viverra consequat neque non, porttitor finibus diam. Donec ac augue viverra, euismod ligula porta, dapibus lorem. Pellentesque bibendum, nisl ac tincidunt molestie, ex felis bibendum nunc, in ornare nisl nibh at nisi. In eget mi vel sem tempus posuere.
Phasellus suscipit lectus ex. Vivamus feugiat gravida justo, eu accumsan sem lacinia sed. Praesent consectetur vestibulum magna, vitae convallis eros hendrerit.

tagged: ---
distillery banh mi brooklyn hella fap stumptown. fap umami ethical pork belly. slow-carb neutra shabby chic wayfarers viral 3 wolf moon, austin small batch readymade squid sartorial swag fashion axe. hashtag mumblecore xoxo stumptown godard hella, before they sold out whatever bitters photo booth ethnic you probably haven't heard of them cred. fap pickled ethnic roof party cosby sweater, etsy +1 twee high life. intelligentsia squid tofu, 8-bit kitsch tattooed aesthetic vice small batch mlkshk narwhal williamsburg stumptown. 3 wolf moon xoxo banh mi, mustache farm-to-table ennui small batch organic leggings photo booth yr you probably haven't heard of them fashion axe drinking vinegar raw denim. pug letterpress direct trade stumptown, yolo scenester tonx freegan fashion axe. keffiyeh diy occupy 8-bit, direct trade flannel fingerstache vinyl sartorial ugh wolf fanny pack blue bottle. forage flannel vegan, tattooed ugh organic mlkshk. typewriter sartorial pbr shoreditch ennui umami. post-ironic keffiyeh cliche xoxo, craft beer trust fund carles mlkshk. raw denim sartorial pitchfork bicycle rights, vhs kitsch selvage photo booth chia keytar tofu. yr 8-bit sartorial asymmetrical pbr&b, gastropub try-hard meggings aesthetic organic banh mi tonx kale chips. diy vinyl irony raw denim. tumblr wolf 90's, locavore godard keytar flexitarian kitsch leggings austin. blog pitchfork disrupt, lo-fi sartorial you probably haven't heard of them bicycle rights synth beard selfies bespoke blue bottle kale chips vice seitan. odd future cosby sweater hoodie tote bag pug. banh mi portland etsy, gentrify tonx odd future photo booth drinking vinegar. pop-up cred shoreditch iphone, leggings banh mi fixie. pug sustainable plaid small batch, scenester hashtag occupy banh mi distillery pour-over literally chia normcore. master cleanse portland wolf wes anderson aesthetic sustainable, bespoke deep v banh mi lomo actually pug. banksy yolo fashion axe seitan, blog vhs bespoke wayfarers swag bitters austin fap. synth cornhole narwhal banh mi intelligentsia, small batch tattooed. blog marfa ugh locavore american apparel. tumblr mustache skateboard, american apparel mixtape helvetica ethnic. irony hella meggings, vhs skateboard retro fixie scenester +1 pug bushwick tofu freegan. leggings lo-fi marfa disrupt banksy.
counting stars;

never say goodbye!
tagged | words | emilie
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy all work and no play makes jack a dull boy

know why the yankees always win, frank? it's 'cause the other teams can't stop staring at those damn pinstripes. let me tell you something my friend. hope is a dangerous thing. hope can drive a man insane. i thought about you every time i jerked off, dickhead. i got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell. well, what is it today? more spelunking? circumstances have taught me that a man's ethics are the only possessions he will take beyond the grave. i did the same thing to gandhi, he didn't eat for three weeks. multiply your anger by about a hundred, kate, that's how much he thinks he loves you. he hid it in the one place he knew he could hide something: his ass. five long years, he wore this watch up his ass. then, when he died of dysentery, he gave me the watch. what do you want me to say, that i'm sorry? that i apologize? well, people in hell want ice water, pal. it only took me six days. same time it took the lord to make the world. you measure yourself by the people who measure themselves by you. You're talking to me all wrong... it's the wrong tone. you do it again and i'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron. hey, tell me, does your mother sew? boom. get her to sew that! i don't know what you want, but i know i can get it for you, with a minimum of fuss! money, jewels, a *very* big ball of string. the man likes to play chess; let's get him some rocks. two little mice fell in a bucket of cream. the first mouse quickly gave up and drowned. the second mouse, wouldn't quit. he struggled so hard that eventually he churned that cream into butter and crawled out. gentlemen, as of this moment, i am that second mouse. i'm neglecting my other guests. enjoy yourself, you'll find the young ladies stimulating company. rehabilitated? well, now let me see. you know, i don't have any idea what that means. i now issue a new commandment: thou shalt do the dance. i don't know what you want, but i know i can get it for you, with a minimum of fuss! money, jewels, a *very* big ball of string. what do you want me to say, that i'm sorry? that i apologize? well, people in hell want ice water, pal. boxing is about respect. getting it for yourself, and taking it away from the other guy. did you hear about the happy roman? he was "glad he ate her." the man likes to play chess; let's get him some rocks.

tag: character
notes: notes go here
post goes here

57.  tessellate

tag: name/name
words: ###
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus consequat aliquam fermentum. Maecenas sollicitudin facilisis fermentum. Nulla eget accumsan urna. In sit amet egestas purus, laoreet rhoncus nunc. Donec eget lobortis eros. Sed orci orci, laoreet sed tincidunt et, tempus id urna. Proin id feugiat risus. Donec nec sollicitudin orci. Morbi vitae consequat nibh. Ut sit amet arcu imperdiet, molestie erat in, placerat dui. Curabitur faucibus elementum congue. Curabitur tristique pellentesque ligula eu mattis. Suspendisse aliquet erat mauris, et posuere enim ornare id. Cras malesuada sodales mollis.
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed et justo neque. Integer lobortis, diam id volutpat bibendum, nibh ipsum pellentesque urna, ut feugiat urna eros a nisi. Phasellus hendrerit vitae diam id vulputate. Sed viverra eget felis in fermentum. Fusce vulputate, nibh non interdum scelerisque, leo augue tincidunt dolor, at dapibus est massa vel leo. Integer mattis purus nec lacus mattis, eget porttitor sapien maximus. Sed a mauris sit amet metus ultrices tincidunt. Duis semper tellus nec nisi lobortis, a tincidunt dui placerat.
Ut tellus diam, blandit eu mauris in, hendrerit volutpat ligula. Vestibulum auctor arcu vel cursus varius. Aenean fringilla nisi sed ipsum scelerisque, ac interdum massa commodo. Morbi elementum congue quam, a luctus metus placerat eget. Pellentesque iaculis finibus velit vitae malesuada. Mauris et ultrices lorem, tempor convallis ante. Ut sagittis dui massa, ac congue tellus mollis id. Morbi aliquam ut ipsum non tempus. Aenean placerat nec tellus id mattis. Aliquam vitae ex ut ipsum ullamcorper dignissim. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas rhoncus orci odio, quis pretium quam pharetra sed. Nam nibh nulla, eleifend ut fringilla luctus, rhoncus eget nisi.
Sed a volutpat velit. Praesent in massa lorem. Vivamus et pharetra mauris. Nulla convallis purus ac accumsan semper. Aliquam sed eros ornare, mattis dui et, vestibulum tortor. Vivamus ac pulvinar eros. Pellentesque tincidunt pulvinar consequat. In lacinia venenatis lacus. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam vel bibendum est. Proin sed semper turpis. Cras sit amet convallis quam, sit amet tincidunt arcu.

58.  spectrum

tag // words // whatever
these are regular boring words and these are way more exciting bold words and these are equally exciting italic words these are regular boring words and these are way more exciting bold words and these are equally exciting italic words these are regular boring words and these are way more exciting bold words and these are equally exciting italic words these are regular boring words and these are way more exciting bold words and these are equally exciting italic words these are regular boring words and these are way more exciting bold words and these are equally exciting italic words these are regular boring words and these are way more exciting bold words and these are equally exciting italic words these are regular boring words and these are way more exciting bold words and these are equally exciting italic words these are regular boring words and these are way more exciting bold words and these are equally exciting italic words

hunger of the pine
sleeplessly embracing you

60.  hallelujah

there's a god above, but all i ever learned from love was how to shoot someone who outdrew you.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec elit orci, ultrices sagittis vehicula a, facilisis ac augue. Aliquam vulputate eleifend cursus. Sed rutrum leo et est facilisis sit amet congue odio tincidunt. Phasellus libero nisl, faucibus at posuere id, scelerisque a ligula. Sed non felis eget dolor vulputate auctor. Suspendisse molestie ante nec nisl hendrerit mattis. Curabitur vitae lacus dolor, ac accumsan augue. Nam eget magna sit amet elit feugiat aliquet at nec purus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed non velit elit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer in augue at magna ultricies aliquam. Phasellus nulla nisi, eleifend consequat ultrices quis, accumsan ut quam. Fusce ante purus, ultrices blandit malesuada sed, vestibulum sit amet risus. Vivamus eget tristique odio. Fusce rutrum metus id odio dignissim congue. Aenean neque erat, adipiscing quis ultrices ut, bibendum at lorem. Donec sit amet tortor eros, malesuada aliquam enim. Mauris ut magna in purus iaculis iaculis sed nec est. Mauris aliquet, tellus sed pellentesque iaculis, urna enim venenatis felis, et euismod nibh est ac metus. Duis magna dolor, laoreet sed tincidunt at, feugiat id tortor. Nulla semper tellus at felis condimentum imperdiet. Cras consequat felis quis augue vestibulum sed vestibulum sem porttitor. Nullam ut est ligula. Praesent a eros nec libero adipiscing volutpat a a nisi. Mauris ipsum urna, rhoncus in laoreet id, placerat ut libero. Etiam ac mi vel elit pretium ultricies. Fusce nunc felis, commodo in volutpat sed, consectetur quis diam. Sed tincidunt diam in ligula venenatis sit amet condimentum libero mollis. Curabitur placerat, lectus ornare malesuada congue, lectus sapien vulputate nisi, sit amet accumsan dui nunc non mauris. Proin ornare volutpat convallis. Donec at ligula at lorem hendrerit pellentesque.
notes | words | tag |

feels like i'm falling in love
tags, ###, notes
when i'm falling to the floor

the first and last of your kind --- tag // words // notes
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam mollis iaculis feugiat. Sed metus magna, lacinia ac pellentesque a, consectetur in neque. In id leo sodales, rhoncus lectus sed, auctor nibh. Ut pulvinar ipsum sed elit lacinia, sit amet tempus nulla aliquam. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In fermentum urna mauris, accumsan vehicula elit efficitur in. Nullam vel libero sit amet nisl eleifend faucibus vel in turpis. Aenean tempor erat eu ipsum vehicula, tincidunt euismod velit fermentum. Morbi tempor ante et fermentum hendrerit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus egestas leo luctus turpis fringilla consectetur. Donec sed feugiat urna. Curabitur pharetra, lorem eu tincidunt dictum, tortor arcu pretium arcu, sit amet malesuada leo sem sagittis nisl. Donec dictum egestas eros ut sollicitudin. Vivamus vestibulum tortor at purus condimentum lobortis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In quis quam leo. Integer nec odio dolor. In ornare sem sed arcu facilisis pellentesque. Suspendisse sed velit aliquam, commodo nisl eu, pulvinar diam. Vestibulum condimentum velit non tellus pretium vestibulum. Cras scelerisque ipsum fermentum, porttitor lorem eu, tristique erat. Pellentesque ut varius felis, vitae cursus nunc. Integer sagittis ligula at aliquet condimentum. Donec ultricies pellentesque condimentum. Maecenas porttitor gravida lacus, suscipit convallis ante eleifend non. Proin commodo lobortis feugiat. Cras ut lobortis nisl. Aliquam bibendum mauris et sem tempor lacinia. Aliquam pulvinar accumsan libero nec rhoncus. Pellentesque quis ex massa. Pellentesque sollicitudin vitae velit sit amet hendrerit. Nunc semper odio vitae urna consectetur fermentum. Praesent at justo ac purus consectetur tincidunt a a ex. Vivamus auctor dui in tellus imperdiet, at lacinia risus elementum. Mauris sagittis in arcu a vehicula. Vestibulum mauris lectus, vulputate id scelerisque sit amet, placerat sed dolor. Phasellus sit amet tellus sed urna pellentesque scelerisque. Pellentesque posuere ex lorem, ac luctus mauris volutpat vel. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus id nunc commodo, varius nulla nec, euismod tortor. Curabitur sit amet facilisis enim, eu tincidunt purus. Donec quis felis ipsum. Ut pretium, libero nec vestibulum mollis, sapien quam elementum nunc, at pretium orci leo a enim. Sed eu odio mattis, luctus felis quis, malesuada arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam vitae velit ullamcorper, vulputate mauris non, porta dui. Morbi at quam dui. Integer gravida iaculis venenatis. Vestibulum dignissim ut nisi sit amet aliquet. Morbi sapien libero, tincidunt nec auctor eu, tincidunt sit amet ligula. Pellentesque sed dignissim justo. Fusce nec nibh vel orci interdum sagittis.

63.  run away

Girl got that rebel heart
run away; run away
post here

notes/word count/etc

[i]Once upon a time in a faraway land a princess and a dragon fell in love.[/i] The dragon stole her away from her prison of a kingdom but the books never tell that story. Instead, they turn the dragon into an awful beast where a "dashing" prince has to save the princess. The stories never take into account that maybe the princess doesn't want to be save.

Once upon a time in a faraway land a princess and a dragon fell in love. The dragon stole her away from her prison of a kingdom but the books never tell that story. Instead, they turn the dragon into an awful beast where a "dashing" prince has to save the princess. The stories never take into account that maybe the princess doesn't want to be save.

Once upon a time in a faraway land a princess and a dragon fell in love. The dragon stole her away from her prison of a kingdom but the books never tell that story. Instead, they turn the dragon into an awful beast where a "dashing" prince has to save the princess. The stories never take into account that maybe the princess doesn't want to be save.

Once upon a time in a faraway land a princess and a dragon fell in love. The dragon stole her away from her prison of a kingdom but the books never tell that story. Instead, they turn the dragon into an awful beast where a "dashing" prince has to save the princess. [b]The stories never take into account that maybe the princess doesn't want to be save.[/b]

short lyrics here!

Dreamcatcher vinyl tattooed scenester, pitchfork farm-to-table irony synth before they sold out hoodie twee. +1 fanny pack vegan scenester, messenger bag vinyl keytar. "Wolf VHS brunch etsy master cleanse gentrify. Farm-to-table brooklyn mustache, butcher squid williamsburg tattooed photo booth irony blog echo park 8-bit." Homo wolf freegan banh mi butcher tofu. Trust fund twee dreamcatcher gluten-free, vice fap you probably haven't heard of them marfa shoreditch locavore four loko williamsburg. Food truck four loko VHS letterpress mlkshk messenger bag.
Whatever banh mi messenger bag vinyl american apparel readymade, VHS scenester lo-fi vegan single-origin coffee 8-bit put a bird on it. Mustache art party etsy yr salvia gentrify echo park beard wes anderson, readymade synth cred DIY irony. Freegan twee fap, mixtape synth whatever tumblr vinyl butcher. Before they sold out put a bird on it cardigan tattooed mixtape scenester. Twee DIY thundercats tumblr salvia sustainable. Marfa food truck seitan messenger bag quinoa master cleanse. Cosby sweater irony helvetica cardigan cliche leggings.
Next level messenger bag keytar lo-fi aesthetic. 8-bit helvetica salvia, +1 vegan DIY etsy VHS before they sold out master cleanse aesthetic. Fap scenester american apparel, blog Austin echo park banh mi lo-fi vegan hoodie helvetica tattooed homo locavore craft beer. Chambray high life wes anderson 8-bit 3 wolf moon fap. Artisan wes anderson fap vegan. Trust fund carles four loko, williamsburg readymade thundercats cardigan mixtape skateboard. Mlkshk echo park blog gluten-free dreamcatcher, vegan PBR brunch pitchfork raw denim cosby sweater brooklyn mustache irony lomo.
Wayfarers synth freegan stumptown. Quinoa squid dreamcatcher vinyl four loko mixtape. Fanny pack etsy thundercats, blog freegan irony wes anderson mixtape single-origin coffee butcher stumptown squid trust fund echo park. Four loko wes anderson readymade messenger bag, biodiesel stumptown twee craft beer mcsweeney's raw denim brunch DIY irony. Brunch raw denim sartorial, mixtape quinoa mustache mlkshk etsy. You probably haven't heard of them banh mi cosby sweater echo park. Tumblr salvia four loko, cred marfa wolf mcsweeney's food truck banh mi.

user posted image
Is it in your love or is it danger
You get so close that I can't think
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vitae sagittis velit. Suspendisse rhoncus, nisl lacinia auctor ultrices, tortor massa gravida arcu, quis viverra ipsum magna ac mauris. Aenean lobortis volutpat dui et tempus. Maecenas a velit tempor diam fringilla accumsan sit amet eget risus. Sed sit amet metus vel est tristique eleifend ut vel felis. Etiam justo quam, cursus vel efficitur porta, gravida id quam. Maecenas interdum, velit vulputate finibus pretium, ligula urna consectetur libero, quis congue arcu lorem ac eros. Morbi et turpis eget enim sodales venenatis.
Nulla in tincidunt enim. Suspendisse ac tellus eu orci consectetur sollicitudin. Mauris congue magna vel est accumsan bibendum. Etiam et commodo enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris nec tellus iaculis, sagittis quam quis, blandit purus. Suspendisse egestas cursus nisi, quis interdum turpis lacinia in. Ut ullamcorper justo in dolor pharetra, ut mollis tellus egestas. Pellentesque dignissim, sapien sit amet accumsan dapibus, tellus tellus scelerisque sapien, vitae lobortis enim lectus sollicitudin augue. Curabitur orci dolor, accumsan vel augue at, posuere porttitor felis. Ut tempor ultricies tellus, vel porta quam faucibus eu. Quisque viverra consequat elit, in commodo dui ornare sit amet. Maecenas iaculis erat eget nulla tempus vulputate. Sed sodales, urna quis vulputate finibus, nisi nibh malesuada magna, eget efficitur sapien massa non est. Donec at scelerisque magna, id cursus magna.
instead of breathing i'll just


notes here
tagged for here
fire away, fire away
post goes here. for the fancy first letter then separate the paragraphs with a

words here words here words here words here words here words here words here words here words here words here words here words here words here words here words here words here words here words here words here words here words here

- - - - - - - - - -
let the blind lead the blind in your so-called life
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec aliquam lacus quis enim vehicula, eu dignissim mauris lacinia. Sed vel molestie elit. Curabitur quis quam ante. Ut id cursus nibh, id mattis velit. Donec pellentesque urna at nibh ullamcorper molestie. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed id sem sagittis, mattis purus id, ornare ante. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent vel ligula orci. Suspendisse sagittis diam ullamcorper fermentum fermentum. Etiam ut aliquet orci. Aenean id sem id mauris ultricies auctor vel vel ante. Etiam mollis massa sit amet turpis ultricies, congue aliquam tellus feugiat. Etiam ac felis condimentum, ornare neque in, hendrerit eros. Morbi nec neque eget enim pellentesque dignissim id vitae eros. Nunc ut volutpat arcu, sed cursus tellus. Sed pulvinar, diam vitae auctor ultricies, orci metus consectetur neque, sed tincidunt metus ipsum a justo. Proin ornare hendrerit enim, et volutpat augue ornare sed. Fusce non interdum lacus, non semper ipsum. Etiam a lacus non diam rhoncus tincidunt. Pellentesque at lacus egestas, adipiscing augue ut, laoreet elit. Pellentesque vitae scelerisque sem, eu sollicitudin neque. Aliquam pretium rhoncus eros, et tempus arcu volutpat id. Etiam placerat imperdiet eros. Proin vel leo mollis, ullamcorper leo eget, pretium mi. Ut posuere augue hendrerit, congue libero id, mattis turpis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eget erat non purus sagittis lacinia. Aenean volutpat turpis sit amet nibh luctus aliquet.
are you out there? are you listening?
is there something we're still missing?
[b]WORDS[/b] ### [b]TAGS[/b] tags here
[b]NOTES[/b] any notes

when you feel my heat look into my eyes

post goes here. remember to separate paragraphs using the
tag, otherwise the pretty first line won't work.

### words for someone
notes go here. notes go here. notes go here. notes go here. notes go here. notes go here. notes go here. notes go here. notes go here. notes go here. notes go here. notes go here. notes go here. notes go here. notes go here.

notes here

kings & queens
into your eyes hopeless and taken

post here.

73.  right here

wish you were right here
paragraph "quotes"

user posted image
user posted image
user posted image
you broke me from the very first night i'd love you 'til the day that i die i'm far too comfortable this time i loved you from the very first night you broke me 'til the day that i die i'm far too obvious this time and i don't hate they do am i ever on your mind
when you hide, hide inside that body but just remember that when i touch you the more you shake, the more you give away we're far from comfortable this time cold, now we're so cold, mine, and you're not mine, say never we're far from obvious this time { [i]so fall into my eyes and fall into my lies[/i] } --
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec aliquam lacus quis enim vehicula, eu dignissim mauris lacinia. Sed vel molestie elit. Curabitur quis quam ante. Ut id cursus nibh, id mattis velit. Donec pellentesque urna at nibh ullamcorper molestie. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed id sem sagittis, mattis purus id, ornare ante.
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent vel ligula orci. Suspendisse sagittis diam ullamcorper fermentum fermentum. Etiam ut aliquet orci. Aenean id sem id mauris ultricies auctor vel vel ante. Etiam mollis massa sit amet turpis ultricies, congue aliquam tellus feugiat. Etiam ac felis condimentum, ornare neque in, hendrerit eros. Morbi nec neque eget enim pellentesque dignissim id vitae eros. Nunc ut volutpat arcu, sed cursus tellus. Sed pulvinar, diam vitae auctor ultricies, orci metus consectetur neque, sed tincidunt metus ipsum a justo. Proin ornare hendrerit enim, et volutpat augue ornare sed. Fusce non interdum lacus, non semper ipsum. Etiam a lacus non diam rhoncus tincidunt.
Pellentesque at lacus egestas, adipiscing augue ut, laoreet elit. Pellentesque vitae scelerisque sem, eu sollicitudin neque. Aliquam pretium rhoncus eros, et tempus arcu volutpat id. Etiam placerat imperdiet eros. Proin vel leo mollis, ullamcorper leo eget, pretium mi. Ut posuere augue hendrerit, congue libero id, mattis turpis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eget erat non purus sagittis lacinia. Aenean volutpat turpis sit amet nibh luctus aliquet.
[b]{words}[/b] ### [b]{tags}[/b] people
[b]{notes}[/b] keep it short

75.  wide awake
i'm wide awake
my pulse could turn these walls to dust
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin luctus in felis ut dignissim. Sed eget ornare est. Vivamus placerat, turpis ut feugiat aliquet, enim metus blandit lacus, ut varius justo metus eu eros. Suspendisse lacinia iaculis mollis. Aliquam porta luctus velit sit amet eleifend.
Cras placerat nisl lectus, vel blandit sapien facilisis eget. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis condimentum porttitor urna, a tempus quam molestie ut. Aliquam ullamcorper metus id lectus tincidunt, vel sodales ante vestibulum. Maecenas in elit mauris. Etiam non facilisis nisl. Aenean pharetra ac urna nec sagittis. Etiam ullamcorper vitae nunc sed scelerisque. Sed sapien sem, mollis eu neque sit amet, dignissim pulvinar magna. Nullam commodo orci vel magna sollicitudin semper.
Fusce sagittis dui eu fermentum ultricies. Sed sed risus in libero fermentum ultricies. Mauris aliquet nec eros quis fringilla. Etiam congue lacus felis, laoreet bibendum urna egestas eu. Phasellus bibendum lorem id ipsum aliquet pretium. Maecenas consectetur in nisi sit amet vestibulum. Donec blandit odio ut faucibus venenatis. Curabitur mauris lorem, facilisis at urna quis, malesuada malesuada nisi. Curabitur in volutpat turpis. Sed id adipiscing diam, eget sodales nisl. Vestibulum faucibus consectetur quam quis ullamcorper. Aenean.
i will never let you take me alive

Nothing shocks you like a bullet hole Leaving my fear on the danger line Suffering no man should never know Leaving my faith on the danger line I know what you're thinking I've been there before So think of the times The time we spent laughing away So think of the times At home
Love to play with owner's hair tie scratch leg; meow for can opener to feed me so jump around on couch, meow constantly until given food, , yet hide from vacuum cleaner. Cat slap dog in face run in circles, or chase dog then run away and nap all day. Meow all night having their mate disturbing sleeping humans hate dog, for claw drapes. Use lap as chair shove bum in owner's face like camera lens or claws in your leg so put toy mouse in food bowl run out of litter box at full speed . Destroy couch scream at teh bath and leave hair everywhere present belly, scratch hand when stroked. Scratch leg; meow for can opener to feed me. I am the best use lap as chair who's the baby love to play with owner's hair tie yet intently sniff hand, but pelt around the house and up and down stairs chasing phantoms or then cats take over the world. Get video posted to internet for chasing red dot plan steps for world domination. Spit up on light gray carpet instead of adjacent linoleum spread kitty litter all over house or spread kitty litter all over house, and then cats take over the world eat a plant, kill a hand but then cats take over the world.
Sit by the fire destroy couch, for spread kitty litter all over house so ignore the squirrels, you'll never catch them anyway. Loves cheeseburgers refuse to drink water except out of someone's glass but chase laser yet rub face on owner, for refuse to drink water except out of someone's glass need to chase tail. Pelt around the house and up and down stairs chasing phantoms spot something, big eyes, big eyes, crouch, shake butt, prepare to pounce play time cough furball ignore the squirrels, you'll never catch them anyway chew iPad power cord. Chase laser has closed eyes but still sees you. Hide head under blanket so no one can see.
Sun bathe purr while eating hunt anything that moves, but pelt around the house and up and down stairs chasing phantoms or chew iPad power cord ears back wide eyed. Chase imaginary bugs. Loves cheeseburgers shove bum in owner's face like camera lens for rub face on owner but sleep in the bathroom sink.
people here
i've sung my
last song today

one short lyric
post goes here

Forever is a long time but I wouldn't mind spending it by your side; tell me everyday I get to wake up to that smile
i wouldn't mind it at all
This is your posting text.
[color=#BD181C ]“This is dialogue.”[/color]
This box will scroll when you reach the end. Have fun!
made by [URL=]Little One[/URL] of [URL=]SHINE[/URL]


act of pure defiance
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse nec eros vel nisi sagittis egestas in sed eros. Nullam diam metus, ullamcorper sit amet accumsan in, porta vitae metus. Donec mauris risus, dictum quis aliquam a, pulvinar sed lorem. "Dialogue looks like this!" In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla eget leo velit, vitae congue eros. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Thoughts look like this! Pellentesque odio enim, vulputate ac iaculis faucibus, cursus vitae diam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec adipiscing sollicitudin nisi quis convallis. Nulla facilisi. Nunc risus odio, consequat a ullamcorper at, sollicitudin eget est. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse nec eros vel nisi sagittis egestas in sed eros. Nullam diam metus, ullamcorper sit amet accumsan in, porta vitae metus. Donec mauris risus, dictum quis aliquam a, pulvinar sed lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla eget leo velit, vitae congue eros. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque odio enim, vulputate ac iaculis faucibus, cursus vitae diam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec adipiscing sollicitudin nisi quis convallis. Nulla facilisi. Nunc risus odio, consequat a ullamcorper at, sollicitudin eget est. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse nec eros vel nisi sagittis egestas in sed eros. Nullam diam metus, ullamcorper sit amet accumsan in, porta vitae metus. Donec mauris risus, dictum quis aliquam a, pulvinar sed lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla eget leo velit, vitae congue eros. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque odio enim, vulputate ac iaculis faucibus, cursus vitae diam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec adipiscing sollicitudin nisi quis convallis. Nulla facilisi. Nunc risus odio, consequat a ullamcorper at, sollicitudin eget est. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


tag for you!
hey here's a thread for you!

post goes here.



85.  in color
here i am in
no luster, glamor, or gold, i hope you'd remember me dressed in shadows black and white
Duis maximus felis quis augue laoreet, id tempus leo efficitur. Nullam consequat urna a diam dignissim, at imperdiet magna porta. Quisque blandit non tellus eu posuere. Vestibulum fermentum facilisis interdum. Quisque quis aliquam augue, sit amet pharetra lacus. In aliquam orci nunc, quis eleifend mauris rhoncus mollis. Maecenas finibus ac enim eu mollis. Nulla id malesuada sem, vitae ullamcorper urna. Sed sit amet erat elit. Nam urna urna, eleifend interdum ante at, luctus aliquet felis. Etiam vel orci ipsum.
Donec volutpat volutpat rutrum. Fusce sed maximus neque, sit amet rutrum sapien. Donec a enim purus. Ut at tortor sem. Nunc ultrices nisi porttitor nibh volutpat gravida. Vestibulum eu urna quam. Duis elementum nisl lacus. Phasellus accumsan eu quam id tristique. Cras id placerat elit. Donec dictum erat mauris, a aliquam quam iaculis sit amet. In metus sapien, interdum ac elit eu, tempus tempor mauris.
Nullam id nunc dignissim, aliquet arcu quis, hendrerit erat. Nam consectetur a magna at consequat. Praesent laoreet felis turpis, nec volutpat est dignissim a. Vestibulum eget enim ac risus imperdiet ullamcorper. Nunc commodo eget dui et interdum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer elementum diam lorem, vestibulum cursus mauris semper at. Nam sit amet velit ut ligula ultrices luctus vel non urna. Morbi nec sem eu lorem venenatis mollis.

86.  happily ,,

tag: here
notes: here
aenean maximus, enim id egestas pharetra, felis nibh lobortis justo, at viverra nulla sapien vel eros. morbi mattis turpis sed elit rhoncus, a eleifend mauris fermentum. phasellus consequat ac sem id fringilla. morbi et sem eget neque vehicula feugiat id ac turpis. in scelerisque vulputate nunc scelerisque elementum. cras vel nunc id erat vehicula tincidunt. cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. proin id feugiat ante. morbi at facilisis felis, vitae dictum arcu. morbi pellentesque, felis rhoncus hendrerit semper, massa elit ultrices mi, eget finibus nunc enim eu massa. phasellus efficitur, erat nec volutpat viverra, odio quam auctor erat, id vestibulum ipsum est cursus nisi. vestibulum dictum sed mi placerat posuere.

carelessness led me here
tag:--- notes:---
words words words How bold looks like, how italic looks like

stay the night
this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes
[b]this is where your post goes[/b] this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes this is where your post goes

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. aenean eu nibh vulputate, bibendum tortor id, blandit dolor. sed et mauris faucibus nulla volutpat egestas sit amet a ante. pellentesque vestibulum rutrum vulputate. sed nec augue ut magna facilisis eleifend. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. etiam vel massa id urna viverra facilisis id at tellus. ut vulputate vulputate mauris, at commodo justo. mauris eu consequat mi. duis lobortis, odio nec hendrerit eleifend, arcu lectus tincidunt diam, eget convallis metus leo ac nunc. donec elementum lacus id mauris ornare porta. sed ipsum mi, ullamcorper in vehicula quis, accumsan vel justo. duis vel nisl mollis, porta elit a, euismod elit. etiam eros lacus, blandit in ipsum vel, volutpat molestie lacus. aenean metus tellus, consequat at sem nec, tempor viverra turpis. vestibulum eu interdum ligula. nunc tincidunt dolor eu tortor mollis, id dictum magna viverra. duis felis libero, luctus sit amet dapibus sit amet, elementum vel felis. sed porttitor mollis diam, a ornare odio tempor at. nunc eget augue ut elit mollis tempus pretium eget massa.
tagged: name/name | notes: hey girl

Your thread here! bold text here

91.  refusal

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras libero elit, fermentum non dictum at, semper congue dui. Nunc vulputate mauris magna, eget congue odio pellentesque ac. Aenean facilisis elit bibendum, ullamcorper metus vel, ultricies lacus. Sed id dignissim dolor. Nulla blandit ligula non mi pellentesque, at tincidunt lectus posuere. Nam gravida mauris quis justo eleifend, ac molestie est pulvinar. Maecenas dictum odio elementum ante aliquam, vitae laoreet lacus malesuada. Cras id enim eros. Pellentesque laoreet enim vel eros lacinia mattis. Vestibulum ac nunc quis nunc hendrerit ultricies. Sed eget tellus vel eros vestibulum ultrices quis hendrerit risus. Sed mollis consectetur orci, id congue ipsum dictum posuere. Proin pellentesque quis risus eget laoreet.
Praesent tempor, nunc vitae malesuada viverra, metus mauris facilisis augue, a ornare sem leo eu risus. Pellentesque elementum feugiat justo. Suspendisse eget odio quis dolor vulputate bibendum. Nullam ullamcorper, orci vitae feugiat aliquam, sem nunc tristique ipsum, eu fermentum mauris erat quis felis. "Integer interdum ornare ultrices. Donec enim ligula, bibendum non vehicula quis, laoreet a ligula." Sed rhoncus ligula congue nunc faucibus posuere. Morbi pharetra magna vulputate dui dictum feugiat. Duis mattis mi et ante cursus, eu mattis nibh condimentum. Morbi vel neque sed lorem sodales dapibus. Vestibulum iaculis, elit adipiscing eleifend venenatis, ipsum felis rutrum erat, ac commodo orci lorem nec risus.
TAG: NAME / WORDS: ### / NOTES: <3 div="">

your post goes here!

So many Bright lights, they cast a shadow But can I speak? Well is it hard understanding I'm incomplete? A life that's so demanding, I get so weak; A love that's so demanding I can't speak
[i]famous last words[/i]
Now I know That I can't make you stay But where's your heart? But where's your heart? But where's your...
[color=#256c98]And I know There's nothing I can say To change that part To change that part To change...[/color]
So many Bright lights, they cast a shadow But can I speak? Well is it hard understanding I'm incomplete A life that's so demanding I get so weak A love that's so demanding I can't speak
[color=#ED793A]I am not afraid to keep on living I am not afraid to walk this world alone Honey if you stay, I'll be forgiven Nothing you can say can stop me going home[/color]
Can you see My eyes are shining bright 'Cause I'm out here On the other side Of a jet black hotel mirror And I'm so weak Is it hard understanding I'm incomplete A love that's so demanding I get weak
I am not afraid to keep on living I am not afraid to walk this world alone Honey if you stay, I'll be forgiven Nothing you can say can stop me going home
I am not afraid to keep on living I am not afraid to walk this world alone Honey if you stay, I'll be forgiven Nothing you can say can stop me going home
These bright lights have always blinded me These bright lights have always blinded me I say
I see you lying next to me With words I thought I'd never speak Awake and unafraid Asleep or dead
(How can I see, I see you lying) 'Cause I see you lying next to me (How can I see, I see you lying) With words I thought I'd never speak (How can I see, I see you lying) Awake and unafraid (How can I see, I see you lying) Asleep or dead
'Cause I see you lying next to me With words I thought I'd never speak Awake and unafraid Asleep or dead
'Cause I see you lying next to me With words I thought I'd never speak Awake and unafraid Asleep or dead
I am not afraid to keep on living I am not afraid to walk this world alone (Or dead) Honey if you stay, I'll be forgiven Nothing you can say can stop me going home (Or dead) I am not afraid to keep on living I am not afraid to walk this world alone (Or dead) Honey if you stay, I'll be forgiven Nothing you can say can stop me going home (Or dead) I am not afraid to keep on living I am not afraid to walk this world alone (Or dead) Honey if you stay, I'll be forgiven Nothing you can say can stop me going home

I am not afraid to keep on living I am not afraid to walk this world alone Honey if you stay, I'll be forgiven Nothing you can say can stop me going home
made by [URL=]Little One[/URL] of [URL=]SHINE[/URL]

she's an american beauty

post here.
i'm an american psycho

95.  changing
small title
write your post here.

Phasellus vehicula placerat ante, vel rhoncus est fermentum malesuada. Sed turpis lectus, malesuada sed turpis quis, blandit tincidunt nisi. Ut eleifend rutrum dolor ac scelerisque. Phasellus consectetur nec diam quis tincidunt. Sed dictum vitae velit at pulvinar. Aenean nulla sem, convallis in felis egestas, tincidunt vehicula mauris. Praesent aliquet dolor lorem, viverra lobortis elit eleifend vel. Sed lorem mauris, condimentum non bibendum in, fringilla id orci. Aenean sagittis tellus at nunc viverra rutrum ac non massa. Pellentesque massa mauris, pulvinar non semper et, dignissim sit amet nisi. Integer id commodo ex. Sed velit est, congue eu neque in, laoreet accumsan mauris. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut ligula felis, tristique in rutrum nec, viverra et nisi. Sed ullamcorper blandit hendrerit. Suspendisse potenti. Proin cursus lorem et sem lacinia, nec interdum felis eleifend. Aliquam id sapien lobortis, elementum elit vitae, laoreet ipsum. Maecenas aliquam ac justo quis auctor. Ut nec eleifend velit. Phasellus eleifend risus vel orci ultrices, dignissim interdum erat egestas. Aliquam dui quam, malesuada vitae diam at, tincidunt ornare leo. Nulla arcu orci, varius vitae est eget, hendrerit tincidunt sem. Curabitur volutpat euismod nisi. Etiam commodo mauris vel nisl interdum ullamcorper. Integer quis turpis cursus, tempor dui non, semper odio. Fusce aliquam lacinia ullamcorper. Nullam accumsan arcu in libero dapibus consectetur eget eget ipsum. Vivamus eget pellentesque odio. Integer massa diam, cursus at accumsan ut, interdum eu tortor. Mauris accumsan, tortor quis dignissim sodales, risus est dictum ante, scelerisque sodales elit risus eget eros. Integer vehicula egestas blandit. Sed accumsan ligula blandit lacinia pellentesque. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam laoreet est faucibus nibh consectetur, sed tincidunt nisl aliquam. Mauris varius rutrum dictum. Vivamus nec luctus diam, non faucibus augue. Nulla lorem est, porta et consequat eu, sollicitudin quis nisl. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam sagittis tincidunt lacus, eget hendrerit odio laoreet tempor.
short line of lyrics
longer line of lyrics like blah blah bllah blah etccccc~~~~~ do not remove the italics tags!!
[URL=][color=#292d46]✿ HARRY STYLES.[/color][/URL]


### words

notes will go here fuck yeah morgenstern and edelweiss and all that jazz

small line of lyrics, don't stretch to the next line

small line of lyrics, don't stretch to the next line

text will go here, this'll scroll this is bold and this is italics if you want a fancy first letter, put your paragraphs between
ϟ ϟ ϟ

tag: you you lovely human! //
words: idk //
notes: hey hey here's a thread for you!! //
short line of lyrics!

post here.

she wants to
dance like uma thurman
bury me til i confess

title heree
words: ###. tag: here. notes: whooo!
lyrics here
post text here!

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